Thursday, April 26, 2007

Brent Everett Free School

The Government of President Garcia has continued the macroeconomic policies of Toledo: prioritizing and promoting investment balances, ensuring stability for large are encouraged to go for Peru. On social issues, to serve the poorest 52% of Peruvians (77% in rural areas) are together social programs, FONCODES, among others.

Sectorally Sierra Exportadora have a bet interesting and ambitious. It seeks to increase the placement of the first floor Agrobanco. At the same time, "Water for All" aims to increase coverage in rural areas and electrification something similar would also have given continuity, through a new loan, the program Provias Rural.

Despite these actions, not seen a clear strategy for Rural Development for the country, rather it seems that action is expected to project itself and not necessarily a synergy of the state itself improve conditions life of almost 6 million rural Peruvians, most of them poor.

Do you consider that 72% of districts and 67% of provinces have at least half of its population in rural areas?. These are areas where government presence is minimal, may be limited to a police station and a school, and if capital, local municipal. Generally have serious problems of infrastructure (roads do not have or are in poor condition). What will be done by them in five years?.

Sierra Exportadora is shown with a strategy: it involves funding, infrastructure support, advocacy, etc., Is the alternative to invigorate rural areas. But requires that these spaces there are competitive and suitable for a portfolio of specific crops How can this be? and What about the rest?. President's statements regarding the smallholding is unproductive is commonplace, but how it made viable?, We do with it "disappear"?, No one knows this works in other countries why not here?. The absence of a comprehensive policy for the rural sector is evident.

The agenda is large, starting with issues such as education and health, seeking to improve the nutritional status and above all, creating opportunities in rural areas. Confine ourselves to believe that agriculture is the only rural activity is not only outdated, is to condemn a lot of people not related to other activities decrease the vulnerability of relying on agriculture. Building trust in institutions and institutional development, citizenship, are aspects that will make rural areas more integrated with the rest of the country.

We are a good time to collect so many things you are doing and see how they support, we're not talking about making mergers "ideal" to expedite the state (some consolidation as the PETT and the CONACS are rather condemned to oblivion or give third priority to issues such as rural titling and our camels). It would be interesting to know what are the goals proposed by the government for the rural sector What means rural sector and how it is going to improve?.