Sunday, October 31, 2010

Monica Roccaforte Free Images

"END OF MARRIAGE prostitution?

For the content analysis is nothing more, which is why there are so many areas much more comfortable, it is significant that the first message Ochoa Javier Duarte of the people of Veracruz has been carried out at the Press Club , precisely what is supposed to house the servers in the communication.

Regardless of intentions and traditions met to understand the significance of this fact helps to take into account among others, the following factors:

1 .- The state of chronic disability suffered by political parties (all) and corporate organizations as entities of effective communication with society. Are true electoral machines, they are not and never have been instrumental in intervening in public policy implementation.

2 .- levels and forms that have reached the practical handling of social demands - fair or distorted, and pressure groups via media enhanced (sit-ins, marches, hunger strikes, blockades, occupation of roads, etc) which can affect the confidence that JDO has won at the polls and, last but not least, "Moves and adds" the state level, preheat the 2012 election for the presidency.

3.-The very growth of poverty in Mexico (although the measurements and the "new methodology" of CONEVAL) the unequal distribution of wealth, loss of purchasing power of wages, social decay and productive because of floods, rising insecurity and the stigma placed first in corruption, etc., are contexts and challenges, among others, who share all the mayors and governors have to deliver immediate results to a demanding public.

is in this sense that governance and not to mention for the governance, growing importance of the role of the media. Unable to govern without the actor of society! Dar

tangible, measurable and with much participation as perceived in recent posts JDO not only requires the collaboration of media but a very special collaboration totally divorced from the flattery monotone monologue and insulting of intelligence human. Demand

based collaboration on mutual respect and quality of journalistic work that section of the immediacy of the present without context, the role and commentary newsletters (which does not change or periods or commas) works in the transmission not only "facts" but also information that serves and encourages the public to think while strengthening the values \u200b\u200bof participation that has never been developed or created by decree.

"Interviewed after a private meeting, Ochoa Duarte stressed that good governance is built upon the collaboration of all sectors of society is achieved when each person fulfills its responsibilities and functions, and is consolidated when there is a communion of efforts to confront and overcome challenges together, even in the gaps to be used to enrich the project "

But of course I said we have to wait in the design and implementation of media policy for participation which has nothing to do with perverted and perverting schemes that add damage on both sides, as public institutions to society's perception of media and journalists.

I'm not pessimistic, but change that relationship is a good purpose that we have heard, first at the federal level with the famous Central Social Communication created by former President Luis Echeverria and after the start of each of the last four state governments Veracruz. Even a good purpose expressed by an official of this complex task. Three to six months of life - the first of each new administration, is the lifetime and the attempted revocation of that change. It is imposed and then the force of inertia, among other reasons, because it weighs more than the political will of the moment. Only no one bathes in the same river twice and this time the conditions imposed by a new plurality in power summon sanitation, transparency and performance measurement.

is not a problem of ethics but of what kind of social communication policy of the state is needed when contrasted with the aim of governing participation and the existence of intermediary structures inefficient, outdated, corrupt (mostly ) and accustomed to pressure, blackmail and opacity agreements for the benefit of a few leaders.

Nor is it a problem of capacity of Director of Social Communication. In fact they are all very capable (and what is anticipated to JD is luxury!) But a chronicle of a guild subculture receives immigrants from all sources, or is a real sociological phenomenon, geographically based, business and union, fees or pseudo chayoteras reporters on the payroll, tactics and strategies of attack - charging, charge cards marked by unspeakable price, tricks per ton and the weight of a force to sell effectively, not rationality advantage that all creditors of the new ruling required payment from the first day in office for one simple reason, no-compromise bill will set a date, only said who would pay and therefore are collectible from constitutionally instituted before the new ruling. The same thing happens to each of the 212 mayors who the new governor.

However, human creativity enhanced by new technologies, reflective dialogue and rational communication, one that does not treat the citizen as subject to manipulation but as a subject of conscious movement - Walter Benjamin would say unfortunately, this practice makes a side by useless because it lacks the ability cosmetic quick note.

is the same mentality that confuses the "caring image" with the media. You pay for products destined stuffy but forceful are these minutes (so expensive!) Wicked game of mirrors in which the ruler is to meet his insatiable ego in reading the columns of each day, mistakenly looking at these the political legitimacy that only comes from the works and the actions you have made and the perception of its direct beneficiaries.

is known that not everyone who fails to communicate silent, not all that much talk, communicates something worthwhile. As former German governor Miguel Velasco, communicate well and although this rule is idea is likely to come from the ties that the puppy has been built with the media, not without reason. Reason also assists with Javier Duarte saying that good government is everyone's job.

But "all" pure and free from unlawful interest does not exist. The river is messy and takes everything as in the floods in which to float out both human waste and animal kingdom of the soul as seemingly intangible but real relentlessly demanding when seeking charged - in a single payment - the historic debt of Mexican State. So it appears and is a valuable grain to exercise literary or political sociology studies the phrase Fidel Herrera attributed to "the Tlacotlalpeños no filling stations."

And if we refer to journalism, Veracruz is fertile soil of fertilized lampoon public funds. Ta bastard! Fortunately, and although rare, also has quality journalism and very capable journalists.
The premise of government through dialogue and with the widest participation may be taken as a starting point and in its full meaning, as I call and commitment to start building a new relationship with journalists and media. Easy to say, will not be easy to do and less on the conditions under which top JDO to power. But even marginal change may be key to a gradual implementation strategy.

Governance in the plurality and the genuine participation is a goal incompatible with the "communication" based on marketing, making media pass the same kind of advertising that sells soaps or pills, and evaluation communication and media for the limelight outdated measurement.

is good to keep in mind that from the start a dignified relationship requires challenging blackmail, corrupt and opaque agreements before the law of transparency and the right to information and can not hide ever. Professional services can be financed, gluttony definitely not. Neglect the difference can be very expensive for what is lost is not public money but credibility, "checking" that you have coming in or I'll just.

In short, to govern by dialogue and consensus plural requires new standards of qualification, pants and plenty of ventilation many published for the virulence and pathology of old practices do not prevail over the good intentions and make possible the emergence of journalism deserve quality of Veracruz. His birth will be encouraged to eradicate only the actions that have made abortion among which is the desire to control.

Investigative Journalism, space for pluralistic debate, collaboration and quality transparent, servers subject to public scrutiny, transparency, honesty, legitimacy and established positive criticism, respect for labor rights work and the real journalists are estimated using academic or mixed are bases of a political culture that is needed boost.

Journalism plural, democratic, thoughtful and committed to objectivity, the problems of pluralistic coexistence and large social causes is imperative for the improvement of the relationship between government and society and for sustained governance dialogue, consensus and participation. Only those who dare to change, have the potential to be agents of change.

dream no longer! Romeo, said a prominent and successful journalist. Is that reality is unbearable to me, I said and I am ashamed before my children this is their inheritance. Bills is not !.... said ... .. Nor do I care, tops.

Email: Xalapa

Friday, October 22, 2010

Fever Blister Or Impetigo


The Regional Board of the Federal Electoral Tribunal (Trife) refused to annul the election of mayor of Córdoba as intended by PAN and Convergence constitutional review judgments made by these organizations.
also ordered the State Electoral Tribunal effected the vote count of 96 cells after which confirmed the victory of the Coalition candidate for Forward Veracruz with a difference of more than 3.207 votes, without considering the rest of the 152 boxes . It is logical that the overall margin of victory of FPB has been around the 6.889 score that dropped the original account by the TEE results to be announced soon be formally. A last minute bulletin indicates that the count showed 100 votes more for FPB. That is, the backfire. With
the above is completely cleared the doubts that some players had about electoral victory of Francisco Portilla as Mayor-Elect of Córdoba for the period 2010-2013.

The event is of great political importance as well see it or not, is positive for all contestants and their respective parties but especially for the people of Cordoba and despair waiting for the arrival of a new administration for better results.

seems that some political leaders and activists are unaware of tiredness among the people for everything that has to do with elections, campaigns and parties. What the most popular shared voice says is, please call to work!

now no pretext for blackmail or perversion of the popular will. Still, readers who will not hesitate to other fools who insist for a new challenge.

But now what is short is that it integrates the representation and advance preparation for the work that awaits the next administration is not anything. The delivery receipt should be exemplary and everyone must answer for their responsibilities. That's the public demand period.

Therefore, the sooner the better so do not wait Cabildo agreements on matters that are urgent for the common good: security, jobs, services roads, sanitation, etc. Who urge there are tasks, especially when it comes to inaugurate a new stage in the municipal administration of results and commitments are met. Just

integration council takes his time with his push and pull, the preparation of a Municipal Development Plan realistic and participatory should already be in process, the selection of the team of collaborators is not easy when the principles of honesty and capacity already given by the elected mayor will continue to peer pressure and the presence of the "cobra bills." Work

while changing the way we work has never been easy. The old practice habits and inertia are, their strength and weight. We must mobilize new spirit of public service in more than 1500 workers, mostly in 4 unions. CROC, CROM, CTM and two of Hydrosystem of Cordoba.

base among workers and among those who are not are betting against any renewal of work practices. Others who are experts in Leopard so everything changes so that everything remains the same. There are handlers of files, inventory, liabilities, works in progress, etc. A bureaucratic world by human beings, a truly willing to work hard and others who seek only to preserve personal interests. Another area

complex work will be to City Council. Governance and management is not always bring something that is achieved and if this is added the erroneous interpretation of the role and practice of plurality, dialogue means and why the council agreements become "uphill governance" reflected in covert disagreements of "institutional arguments", but in reality what they are hiding personal or group interests. So some work for all and others only for their mill. The transparency of council sessions will be the best antidote against such forms of exercise performance.

Finally, the discrepancy that sometimes paralyzes is a phenomenon that are exposed all the municipalities of Veracruz and not just to head Paco Portilla.

will be very different results when members of a community culture and show political maturity and, putting aside personal or partisan interests come together, add up wills and criteria for the good of society.

This seen that a united community is a strength that can enhance the governance capacity of the City and of course the ability of management to the state and federal government. Having

unity in essence, every problem has another dimension and strength of political will becomes even greater if the community of which we speak is plural and diversity is no obstacle to make decisions and agreements to resolve problems affecting the community. "The bottom will be put aside, partisan political stripes and ideologies and join all the work that the governor-elect has called Javier Duarte Ochoa, who will have the full backing of Cordoba in Veracruz decision to take forward," said Mayor Elect of Córdoba. Veracruz

just gone through one of the most controversial elections in its modern history. Representative democracy is not and never has been the solution to all social problems. Indeed, the day after a day of this nature, Business as usual despite the magical thinking that expects or offers a world of happiness.

thing to change is much more than rulers. There needs to change administrative structures and work habits. For the institutional power to promote change is to be the first to change. To promote the responsibility of citizens, the governor and all public servants should be an example of higher values \u200b\u200bin public service.

There should be room for abuse, the patrimonial to bureaucratic fiefdoms. The job security of staff should be based on delivering results and not patronage. The opacity and discretion should be a thing of past. All decisions of officials must be justified and motivated in public law. Honesty, republican austerity, transparency and accountability should be the axis in which the new local governance.

Finally, the authorities must have clear evidence of consistency to gain confidence, credibility and indeed capacity to promote change in society and the citizens who compose a view to its gradual inclusion in public decision . Paco Portilla

must be very selective in its time and its management agenda that will be shared between the activities and the Cordoba direct management to the project funding units of state and federal government. Fortunately

political legitimacy (now strengthened) with which the former top deputy and government management experience and makes no missing tables to this complex reality. Neither sensitivity to encourage the healthy part of the compromised servers with their work and society that is at all hierarchical levels.

This is part of the landscape of challenges and opportunities that await him as the mayor of Córdoba same as all other mayors. .... At the same governor-elect Javier Duarte de Ochoa. Veracruz All what we need is to learn to live in plurality. In governance is a folly and an obsolete idea and unhelpful to assume that the great socio-economic problems affecting Veracruz and Mexico can be addressed successfully by a single political force.

Therefore, the new political reality to be of greater diversity than before should not be seen as a problem but as an opportunity to accept to govern through dialogue and consensus is not a phrase but a political strategy design and implementation is challenging the imagination of rulers and ruled, given the wear, deficiency and insufficiency of the old partners and media. See what happens in the first year of exercise. Comments are welcome. Email:

Honeywell Chronotherm Iv Plus Cover Plate


demand a thorough renovation of its public administration to salvage what is worthwhile and transform the obsolete and dysfunctional. Diagnosis and planning the task of reform is not enlightened, witty or improvised. It is the task to view status for team work, specialized consultation and implementation of intelligent progressive. Mexico has missed experiences in this field. The National Institute of Public Administration has a moral duty to be present at this time of change in Veracruz.

Unable to cope with the new dimension of economic, social and environmental instruments with the same old centralized, bureaucratized, with all kinds of short-term reforms and far field conditions are growing centralism from the highlands and the consequent ineffectiveness of policies and programs.

climate change impacts have been felt in Veracruz with scope of disaster unprecedented in the history and harm to people, integrity and heritage. In this context, although the damage count is preliminary, it is clear that impacts all economic and social activities and the entire production structure and infrastructure, communications and water services, drainage, electricity, health services, education system, among others.

According to preliminary estimates, the amount of damage is estimated at almost 100 billion dollars and investment needs far exceed the budgetary capacity of the three branches of government. In recent days, the House of Representatives approved a budget for reconstruction of 55.000 billion pesos, but for the 12 affected states.

As can be seen, the priority task that holds the government and society is to overcome the emergency. It seems that this has already been achieved. However, back to normal and initiated the reconstruction of Veracruz, it will require extraordinary efforts coordination of public administration in the three branches of government.

In this scenario for the entire civil service is imperative to an effective, professional, organized, planned, efficient, responsive to the size of the impacts of climate change made so far and expected.

organic structures, systems management and operation of federal, state and municipal authorities must conform substantially to avoid improvisation, dispersal, duplication, asymmetries, clientelism and operate under simplified designs, decentralized, transparent, highly organized, able to operate in conditions completely different from past and especially to deliver measurable and measurable results.

is a given fact that the state of Veracruz covers an area of \u200b\u200bover 800 kilometers in length and many river hydrography, rivers, lakes and water bodies that travel throughout the territory and affect communication. Also ranks among the top in number of small and scattered locations.

In these conditions it is urgent to think and debate about public administration in order to design and take the necessary transformation that suit the needs posed by climate change impacts climate. That is, a sustainability-oriented management criteria of regionalization and decentralization capacity to coordinate the efforts of society and government in the context of governance.

In terms of regionalization has legal provisions are not followed. There are instruments that cost georeferenced public resources to develop, is very valuable for planning and at least, is underutilized. Veracruz has

public servants committed to the paradigm of sustainable development and administration to respond to this development model. Trained servers, exchange experiences, ideas and proposals that need rescuing to enrich the design of the administrative changes of the next administration.

The Institute of Public Administration from Veracruz AC should immediately convene a FORUM TO THE SUBJECT OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION TO THE IMPACT OF CLIMATE CHANGE in order to provide a space for reflection and professional dialogue organized around the challenges of public administration from the impacts of climate change and to formulate proposals for transformation and change to the current models.

an open, plural, involving public servants in the three branches of government, academics, students, researchers, political leaders, representatives of civil society, etc..

The theme and participants of a forum of this nature is to respond to issues of concern. For example, administration, participation and culture of civil protection, health sector management, community participation and promotion of the culture of health management to promote sustainable regional development, the combination of the three levels of government in developing sustainable city, the role of the private sector and regional coordination mechanisms, coordination of suburbs, and the combination of three levels of government, to name a few.

According to its statutes, some of the goals of the National Institute of Public Administration are:

promote continuous improvement of public administration, visionary, committed and adjuvant for the purposes of state and government administrative performance; contribute to the consolidation of the rule of law and democracy, promote processes of transparency, accountability, public ethics and social responsibility in the country's public administration and strengthen and technical support activities and programs of competitiveness in the three levels of government in the service of society.

What's Not academia is a privileged moment to reflect, discuss, investigate and make proposals that give guidelines governing society demands solutions in public administration?

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Busty Nadine Wikipedia


FEED ... Then there


enshrined in Article 6 of the Constitution, the right to free expression of ideas is subject to all Mexicans, without exception. This includes civil servants irrespective of the level of government in providing services. However, for companies that are still very far from being consolidated as democracies, this exercise will fly an ongoing risk.

What is the treatment that may be a public servant which make use of that law and public opinions expressed criticism for not using official information considered classified?

public is that public servants can and few do not, publish laudatory views of public policy, a program, project or simply for the operation of an area of \u200b\u200bgovernment.

The question is, can do the same if their views are contrary to the praise, exercise critical analysis or the indication of failure, arbitrariness, inefficiency, dishonesty or simple disfuncionalides public administration? We know that this can be - and even encourage or reward - as long as the object of criticism is another government not one in which we work.

really a public servant who in addition to his service in the public exercised their constitutional right to freedom of expression through essays or articles, may be subject to censorship to lose their jobs, but especially if their opinions involving critique of some aspect of government in which they work.

're gonna run! It was the most frequent warning friends and family "I bought my services are not my conscience," he replied in a tone that differs from the one I gave the agent of the public prosecutor 42 years ago in a corridor of Preventive Jail Lecumberri.

So I tell my children that I use daily challenge to sufficiency of ideas and the first phase of its review. I feel the generation gap and I reiterate my respect at the same time I demand respect my right to think, then proceed as in fulfillment of my duties as a father supplier, critique and alternate proposal awards - if any - who think they deserve it .

A form of concession - paid if preferred, much less frequent than praise columnists newsletter that is not changed or periods or commas.

However, I've always been a responsible father of their obligations as being a public servant and writer, is a weekly challenge. People who invite me to care what I say I told you that freedom of speech is life. Cogito ergo sum

However the risk of being accused of "disloyalty" is permanent. Fundamentalist mentality that everything is reduced to the binomial friend - there are enemy to the best of us! It is unfair to the question "who? "The head or the institution? It is understood that a slight period of analysis could easily put the accuser in the role of defendant.

But the most severe censorship, censorship or outright suppression of the exercise of freedom of expression for public servants is that their cost is paid by the company under the civil service is operated by humans and constantly exposed to all kinds of deformities and dysfunctions cyclical whims or simple lags and positive criticism loses ruling and the proposal is better evidence than those who live and work involved in government agencies.

"I wonder what kind of" reengineering "of government or administrative modernization can be in a government that is able to listen to their own employees?

Is that there are still leaders who believe that the proper conduct of a depends only on talent management and the capacity of their heads? No doubt that's good. But .... and the hundreds of thousands of technicians and professionals who are below what? Are they mindless beings who think, they have no ideas how to improve the administration? Please never heard more stupid!

Governments do not listen and dialogue with the reflective thinking of their own servers make public administration an "intensive care ward" where human creativity dying precisely because there is no political will to establish as legitimate freedom of opinion or channels to listen and make efficient ideas and proposals. For rulers so selfish and authoritarian, in the public service only "drainers" think.

And being human, the ruler is like any other, ie one unit. The same in your family at work or to the whole society. The cost of these ways of exercising power have been in the "democracies" and not say during the dictatorships of all colors. When the disagreement and dissent spread, are governments that still have to go to the simulation but it is increasingly more difficult levels of reflective awareness and information to those who have reached many citizens.

With over 30 years of public servant, my life is a critical periodicals pleasure explaining the experiment to study the Master of the IAP, a prestigious academic institution that encourages the study of public administration without censorship of any kind. But today I heard one of my teachers say that freedom of expression is a right whose fulfillment is gained only when no longer financially dependent on the government "and added" in my 60 years, I can say whatever he wants, "I do errands. "

I was shocked by who said it, nothing less than a public servant of unquestionable experience in the federal government, the state of Veracruz and national prestige within an area of \u200b\u200bexpertise has allowed him to know the depths of power. Admirable

the position of my teacher but ... .. Poor Mexico! Never have efficient government as the exercise of patrimonial power is repressing the creative thinking of its workers and prevents these the development of a genuine political culture of service!

Poor Mexico whose servers and especially men of talent have to wait for retirement to say freely what they think of government, of how we can improve!

is a pity that political parties in power - because they are all in power are incapable of building a reflective dialogue with the rulers. It is a pity that these organizations have earned the image of officers and employees of the ruler. Electoral machines. False so be all over the world!

I stay with the militancy of convictions in which right or wrong, I trained in my youth!

Our company policy - green, yellow, red and blue, is sick. The symptoms on power and privileges. The discrediting of politicians born when the treasury began to pay for that activity. That

political society must sooner or later face an aroused citizenry, not just well-informed without being too suspicious and discerning the meaning behind excessive praise or defamation.

The constructive dialogue between government and civil servants is no more question of "personal style of government" but of whether or not you have a vision of the state of public administration. See that we come across in modern times. Comments are welcome.


Friday, October 8, 2010

Poems About Friendship For A Background


WAKE TIME Romeo Gonzalez Medrano

October 2 .... Yes

The fact that 15 or 25 thousand protesters have gathered at the capital's main square and other groups in some cities clearly shows that the slaughter of Tlatelolco if you miss at least for the 107 million Mexicans are. Moreover, for most of those who made remembrance, October 2 represents only a fact of repression and bloody and very few have to be those with a clearer picture of what happened and the lessons it holds for the present and Mexico's future. The movement of 68
him what happened to other episodes of our history, and thanks to the legalization of this opposition and its incorporation into power, the prevailing reductionism that is limited to celebrate and tell propaganda versions of events and leaders released. Gradually
the presentation of the new generation movement was adopting the same treatment given to the great social movements or the school event, the chronicle, the telenovela, the petrified hero worship for official acts accomplished or the folklore of "The Mexican" witnessed in the celebrations of the bicentennial.
Mexico's history written and disseminated in the educational system has not been enough to better understanding in the majority of Mexicans. Worth some figures: 1 in 6 Mexicans know the year of the consummation of independence, only 3 out of 10 Mexicans know the name of the first president of Mexico and dates are not remembered much more civil than September 16: May 10, 14 February, 30 April and 12 December. Mitofsky survey report reveals not only ignorance but also of our fervor Guadalupe and globalized consumerism as a new religion.
The sheer volume of books, essays and all kinds of cultural and artistic events over 68 have apparently not been enough to keep alive the memory of events that marked a watershed in the history of contemporary Mexico.
A 42 years away, 68 ran with the same fate as the Second World War Have failed ALL NATIONS TO THE EDUCATIONAL CHALLENGE. Even we know from surveys conducted among German youth where most shows glut of remembrance of the Nazi atrocities. It is understood that rejection is not history but a mythologized version and utilitarian who has served for many different purposes.
A phenomenon in the world and in Mexico can have many explanations from which no doubt is a reading of history rote, repetitive, and as used in those protocols of power which leads to the primary force to support children speeches cult of personality of those who have no more merit than his duty. It exalts him while Juarez which in fact contradicts his humility and his lack republican spirit.
In short, our history as a nation and myths deformed versions are manufactured both from power and from the opposition pointing out that unlike other stages, the 68 has been investigated and narrated almost entirely by their own protagonists many which became part of the political class in power which in turn criticize.
I ponder what extent the 68 have made a myth about events and people took to abort the plural reflection and critical assimilation of this movement? Why the disinterest of the majority of young people by 68? Rector himself Veracruzana University Dr. Raúl Arias Lovillo in recent days said "young people today are interested in other things. Go explanation! Can interest at 68 a generation from primary to university has not been educated in the habit of reflective thinking and critical and is now submitted by the latent frustration due to uncertain job future or no?
Let us not come with stories, many college students today are living back to the social reality, which "known" by the news of Peter Ferriz or Lopez Doriga.
Moreover, as "chickpeas for pound" There are also university and the Rector of the UNAM, Dr. José Narro who had the courage to say to Congress "real progress can not be generated between inequality and exclusion, through ignorance and preventable death. Society can not prosper or live in peace with levels of insecurity that affect us. " He warned that all these problems will be solved if Mexico continues along the same path. "If reforms are not carried out thoroughly, if not put into practice alternative policies, if not imagine and draw a new national project."
Today, however, best remembered for 68 class in power beginning with President Felipe Calderon seeks to curry favor with the youth and pretends that the PAN formed part of that repressive government.
What we are silent not a few of the leaders of 68 is currently the power of enforcement but not the same as Diaz Ordaz in some ways worse because it is refined, subtle works, is legal, constitutional reforms passed by "consensus" stop allowing criminals even social leaders (who are) and has Mexico in the first killing of journalists worldwide.
is the Mexico of what happened to Carmen Aristegui, the television duopoly, the control and administrative repression of dissent teachers' union, the self-censorship as a fee to pay for media dissemination notes to moderate dissidents besides other hardships or risks. For example, nothing would make me wonder that ran from fulfilling my current job - at the direction of Fidel Herrera - a warning that years before I did from the former government secretary Miguel Angel Yunes, "or are you a public servant or she is writing Articles "
why I say to my children and friends that some writers exercise" freedom of the donkey "which is none other than being able to move only to the extent permitted by rope. I wonder how these pseudo political freedoms for was the 68? Is there any difference between the crap that was broadcast on TV in the 60's and the predominant today? When Members and particularly those arising from 68 have echoed the public demand for openness and democratization of all political parties? Are clearly more questions than answers.
Like many, I lived through the repression in all its forms except what happened at the Plaza of Three Cultures under which he was imprisoned in Lecumberri prison two weeks before or since 18 September when 10,000 soldiers and dozens of tanks took the campus, an action that I can remember in detail. I do not like but I can also remember the two years 4 months I spent in the bay of punishment and beating Gustavo Diaz Ordaz ordered to give us in prison to break the hunger strike. To me and others we had double repression since I was equally critical of the government and the dogmatism and authoritarianism of the left which forced me to "move house" and take refuge in among the common prisoners I met the other violence, ancestral, molting, "justice" of the poor and privileges of a General Mariles and other white collar. Fortunately also unreserved solidarity and regardless of ideology.
However, the memory of these and many other facts, pending recount, repeat, only narrative, not analysis and less assimilation. Remember it makes sense if it leads to reflection, criticism and self-criticism and of this, a consistent action under new perspectives. Unfinished business, like many other political thinking is proposing socialism as if nothing had happened or China, Germany or the former USSR, among other countries. That
Marco Figueroa said in its program of a meeting with Culture. Unfortunately
violence reached on October 2 in those days caused massive trauma which immediately underwent a combined strategy of power that repression, persecution, threats and the mass distribution of tons of marijuana in schools. Power intelligence knew that the spirits adormecería, very few to escape the effects of this strategy. Come on June 10 and then "democratic opening" of former President Luis Echeverria, the co-optation, electoral reform, incorporating the power of the opposition and the proliferation of utilitarian readings of 68 pending a critical and capable of boosting self a democratic culture in society.
nation that ignores its past, suffers from identity problems, does not achieve the unity of the diverse, not progress in defining its historic project and less on the agreements actually required to do so, their forces remain trapped in the immediate struggle for power either a seat or resources in the budget Expenditures of the Federation. These forces also found many of the leaders of the 68. They and everyone involved still owe future generations a satisfactory answer from what we have done in 4 decades in power that we questioned because we have not even managed to presidents and governors of the republic fully submit their actions to the law. Much less than a citizen can sue as in the United States.
Since my phone yesterday told this to a friend who visited me in prison and is now very close to Lopez Obrador. In my words, she replied, "do not take into account everything done by leftist governments." I did not know what he meant but rebuked him: only the blind and stubborn dare to deny the existence of the political power represented by the former head of DDF, AMLO but .... Is it a question of quantity of works or actions that distinguish them from each other? Almost all intelligent ruler seeks to do more to stay in power or heirs, I answered, matter not only rowing but knowing where it leads or claim to bring the boat auction. The exlìderes of 68
not have an answer to the question "Where are the values \u200b\u200bof democratic culture, libertarian ideals and the new man of Che Guevara that advocate for the streets and plazas of Mexico? Do not tell me is that the 2.0147 billion spent in 2009 alone the party-or the "Televisa law" that the House approved! Where is the struggle for social justice and better wages? Where respect for human rights? Did we pass in youth or in the neighboring country of 50 million poor captives electioneering social programs?
My children born in this century, when they hear that live in the most corrupt country in the world with the highest rate of femicide in the world, where union rights are violated, which has concertacesiòn has returned and that public officials are traded , the public accounts "ironed", that transparency is a slogan and that crime have organized lobbyists in Congress, allies within the institutional power and factual and that the voter turnout creates minority governments ... .. They know my kids tired of all this and hear my dad tell me stories why did the fucking 68? Is this the country they fought you and those who are now MPs and senators salary of almost 200 thousand dollars a month? .... I'm dumb and makes me a lump in my throat and I think in The Wretched of the Earth Franz Fanon, reading from yesterday and today because the man is not what he thinks but what he does and it is clear that the desire for a liberated colonized is to move to occupy the chair of the colonizer.
"We are in times of war, unless we change this country is going to destroy us, we will destroy. We will destroy the dreams, the future and ourselves .... "Said Paco Ignacio Taibo II in his recent visit to Xalapa. (Continued) comments are welcome: romeo-