Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Clf2−bond Angle On Central Atim

Peruvian Agricultural Insurance: Began career

The growth of the insurance market has been important in recent years. On the one hand the obligation of SOAT, another rising expectations on the quality of life and access to credit, makes you want to walk more than a preventable and that nothing stops. In this growth, the spread for the understanding of insurance has been essential, especially the radio and tv commercials.

for agricultural insurance is very different figure, your audience does not exist in a credit bureau does not use credit cards while they may be good payers, there is no record to prove it, and no information to give us an idea exact terms of cover (how much is a hectare of tarwi?).

In this context the idea insurance launched with a capital of central state support, which will be managed by regional governments is good. Moreover, it sounds interesting to do the time an incentive for poor producers association (something that many current policies converge and the results go on hold).

The timing seems appropriate, although a lack of information and dissemination on all products covered, crops and situations covered; in the coming months we will see the response speed of both producers and insurers and regional governments. These processes take time and need to establish medium-term strategies and set goals, two criticisms on this point: S /. 40 million is not enough for 1.6 million agricultural insurance, and if he wants to support the saw does not say why Andean cereals?, Why it seems a safe shore?.

We consider that the main function of this mechanism is to support the inclusion of small producers in the financial system, mitigating climate risk shocks and compensate for low productivity conditions (which should encourage financial operators to increase their loans) . Under this approach to define who and ensure "the producer or financial intermediary? ..