Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Clf2−bond Angle On Central Atim

Peruvian Agricultural Insurance: Began career

The growth of the insurance market has been important in recent years. On the one hand the obligation of SOAT, another rising expectations on the quality of life and access to credit, makes you want to walk more than a preventable and that nothing stops. In this growth, the spread for the understanding of insurance has been essential, especially the radio and tv commercials.

for agricultural insurance is very different figure, your audience does not exist in a credit bureau does not use credit cards while they may be good payers, there is no record to prove it, and no information to give us an idea exact terms of cover (how much is a hectare of tarwi?).

In this context the idea insurance launched with a capital of central state support, which will be managed by regional governments is good. Moreover, it sounds interesting to do the time an incentive for poor producers association (something that many current policies converge and the results go on hold).

The timing seems appropriate, although a lack of information and dissemination on all products covered, crops and situations covered; in the coming months we will see the response speed of both producers and insurers and regional governments. These processes take time and need to establish medium-term strategies and set goals, two criticisms on this point: S /. 40 million is not enough for 1.6 million agricultural insurance, and if he wants to support the saw does not say why Andean cereals?, Why it seems a safe shore?.

We consider that the main function of this mechanism is to support the inclusion of small producers in the financial system, mitigating climate risk shocks and compensate for low productivity conditions (which should encourage financial operators to increase their loans) . Under this approach to define who and ensure "the producer or financial intermediary? ..

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Brazilian Wax Celebrities

Something for the July 28 message

President Garcia arrives at its third year in office. There is a level of attrition is evident in the protests and unmistakable signs of adverse outcomes, as higher prices. As with Toledo, large numbers progressing well in blue: We have achieved the level of investment and craved more of an FTA. This year, as above, we have witnessed significant reductions in poverty.

This poverty is largely due to social policy used, and this is a relief and not overcome it. This is not bad, but does not reduce the vulnerability to which they are exposed to millions of Peruvians, especially the rural population of mountain and forest. As several experts have warned, although the reduction is significant, the gap between the ends of society is adding to "social bomb?. This

28, we conclude that we have a Ministry of Environment, the level of resources and decision is a mystery or challenge. We can also conclude that our exports are going to diversify and increase agricultural export crops beyond the coastline. We might even conclude that home prices have improved for local producers (although this is due to external factors affecting the poorest segments). But not everyone is celebrating.

The presentation of Minister Benavides and his ambition of a modern agro (and developed) the style of the American farm (with photos) is opposed to the provision of development of domestic markets for small producers, proposed by Garcia in his first message as president in this period, this view is more distant from the goals set for him same 20 years ago. Benavides's concern is to develop agriculture in large areas, with a major crop that is progressive, the trend to eliminate small farms in this context is necessary. This also goes through an aggressive use of technology, primarily with improved seeds, fertilizers and agrochemicals. Distant situation for more than a million farm units that could be classified as rural or subsistence economies (the difference between them is at the level of articulation with the market) are not subject people with higher credit and investment options to the minister proposed.

Production specialization is also a problem with the environment, and is something that the new minister Brack probably not have the resources and powers to do (although that space.) Not to mention the trouble with mining companies, or discussions about land use and water, or the need to introduce foreign seeds and new pesticides, looking to be competitive.

We recognize that there is consistency in the actions of Agriculture, because the vision has been accompanied by a set of rules that raise constitutional prohibitions and give the option for a rapid growth of land markets (in some cases regardless of the value, but the transaction). Consistency lacking the Ministry of Environment and the owner has said without mincing words, but with their hands tied.

As noted in the June Agricultural Journal, have been major changes in the industry, mergers of government agencies, a shift of responsibilities to the regions and space must have the new ministry. The question is how do those who do not fit the current vision of the ministry?, Politics development of domestic markets was, in my opinion, most important of Alan for this period, something that has been neglected. Hopefully this 28 has something for ordinary people, who live at altitude or in remote areas of forest. The bag of food, whether with tanks, will bring down the poverty rate, but does not allow the poor or poor ex actually improve their condition, only rely on the transfer for a livelihood subject to the State.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Funny Sayings For Hunters

five minutes to think about the first 20 months of Alan century

AG, Banmat, PREDA
(five minutes to think about the first 20 months of Alan century)

our president's popularity has fallen and with it, it seems that the wisdom of holding the horse State becomes a kind of game to tame the foal. That may attempt to justify both rider crazy Palace to bring order to a place where everyone already has their own game. The Bank of Materials, beyond being a shield to moralize and kick to his house who made the offense (or were there to receive the kick) is an example of how there are so many things that one does not find out until our press reaction. Beyond the interest that may have to lift a story, is the press who would touch monitor (or think they would a Congress or the anti-corruption czarina).

This intermittent space is to focus on what passes for rural development, almost always limited to agriculture and ministry. Limited because in this country several social programs operating in rural areas are dependent on the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and the Ministry of Women. The public institutions and resources specifically related to rural are usually few and lose themselves in cloaks over (with two exceptions: PROVIAS-disputed-and the Rural Electrification Program, someday rural education is there?).

Program Agricultural Debt Restructuring and PREDA, currently being discussed in Congress is a stroke of how to handle things and what you really want to do. In an agro like ours, the hardest hit and are excluded small producers, mostly in mountain and jungle living self-sufficiency, with a low level of exchange with the city and high malnutrition. Promotion policies for them, always go through the credit (as if the sole or primary factor). That reason

seven years ago to start a new Agrobanco, progressing slowly. Slowly, it argues that one of its restrictions to expand coverage is that there are subjects of credit to enable them to finance. This is because your credit technologies include mortgages, small or are commoners or no title, ergo can not access these loans. To fix it, launches a program Agrobanco Solidarity Credit Communal, starting with a pilot from S /. 1 million ... Agrobanco total capital does not exceed 280 million.

The PREDA can cost the state more than S /. 350 million, if we add the S /. Bailout 400 agriculture (RFA), we have almost 750 million will refinance or give oxygen to indebted farmers. How many farmers are indebted to achieve this standard? may be about 50 thousand (exaggerated), but the bulk of the money remains in those who have debts over S /. 10.000 How many kids can do that?, As few.

Here the call is not business segments continue to support out of the hole a post-Niño crisis, but the call is to do something for others, those who have no lobby in Congress or in the MINAG to be heard. It's the call of ordinary people living in the country, for them what strategy to use?, "Conversion for those who have no capacity to invest?.

intentions are, we can mention the national agreement, we quote the plan submitted in 2006 ... how much of it is in practice?, Then not much. Hence the riots, whether coca, cotton, timber and stop attempts by all sides, attempts to make visible the closer of Lima and a major tourist attraction or something that has coverage. The rest people, between good graces or to continue in his misfortune. Not only have limited access to services such as health or education, but these are usually of poor quality.

It is curious that in this context of rising food prices globally do not turn our eyes to those who may be our pantry and give some policy-and action-that could put them in the model. There are no magic formulas or simple to get to 70% of rural poverty, but you should see a line that attempts to do so, a coherence of actions and institutions that point to it. The food distribution tanks help to show 20 months and 26% popularity, but who helps the poor remote parts of "Together we Sowing?. The efforts undertaken, but called for action choesión

Friday, March 21, 2008

Good Wording For Experience Certificate


can say more of the subject, the truth is that it was very little information and encouragement to handle cases there. Stripped of their land to farmers is the equivalent of taking vehicles to carriers. This is a brief note. LAND AUCTION

distorted by misinformation
The land auction was one of the flags of agricultural strike and news in some quarters. The truth is that the problem has always been there and now affects a relatively small number farmers (as Conveagro are 1.200 those legal problems.) It is also true that until now the solutions have primarily benefited larger farmers, although the state has forgiven debts to small (1). Therefore, we can say that in the case of auctions of land, there has been a tendentious use of spirits and figures, providing a clear example of misinformation in the sector.

Importantly, agricultural loans have grown 20% since October 2007, and were more than 72,000 customers in the financial system, with a portfolio that exceeded S/.1, 900 million (2). The fact that over 98% of farmers to honor their debts, according to official figures, is a factor that has contributed to the growth of the placements in the sector. So, is it appropriate to write off more debts or refinance?

banks need to face two situations appropriately. The first is to differentiate between the debtors, who have an interest in paying for those who do not, because there are people who want to pay and makes commitments to do so, but there are also people who are waiting for action for release from its duties in According to Agrobanco, 94% of their arrears are "dishonest." That is, banks must separate the wheat from the chaff. But a second issue that deserves careful treatment is precisely the auction of land since in some cases there is interest in using the auction as an easy means for the appropriation of land. This is compounded when the risks of climate and constant prices, the agro-create unpayable debt in the short term. We must be watchful.

(1) On 5/12/2006, Congress passed the "Law Debt Sanitation Revolving Funds Program and former National Livestock Development Fund (EX FONAFOG)."
(2) Information reported by the SBS ( to 31/10/2007

Friday, February 1, 2008

North Face Apex Cleaning

land auction What if we sell the family jewels? Already

neoliberal policy-driven '90s, through a process of structural reforms, including privatization, reduced public expenditure and promotion of private investment, has achieved significant economic development for the country. However, despite these achievements, this model is shown as not inclusive: one in two Peruvians is poor.
addition, the model has few tools left to the state investment promotion (the assumption that otherwise the state will not be good, wins a lot). These processes have developed in part public services like electricity, telephone, some roads and airports, privatizations have boosted the market, are changes that have occurred in coastal urban areas. Poverty is accentuated inequality, and our growth has been uneven. This model has shown it takes to reach each and coupled with the failure of the State (with its pachydermal steps to correct the "failures" and waiting for the "trickle down") are part of the situation. It is in this context that rural areas are the poorest, their high rates of migration, poverty and malnutrition are proof of that.

The State has not strengthened, it is most evident in sectors like health, education, labor and agriculture, sectors where social policies have cut [1] . We recognize that MEF, Foreign Affairs and the Housing maybe as strong ministries, but the tasks and resources of others leave little state presence.
Recent initiatives
Executive bet promoting communal land titling, tend to be more of the same, to blindly follow what de Soto calls the Mystery of Capital, which has more of a skeptic; Richard Webb shows him as a complex, difficult if not impossible as inclusive development solution. It is therefore a more complex problem than the simplistic to assume García.

These standards aim to promote investment in rural areas where investment has been low, seeking to attract capital and social actors elsewhere. Power actors in areas where the state has minimal presence. Order private development is not wrong, but here is what is expected to be them, private, and not the state, in charge of overcoming poverty. These legislative initiatives have apparently not considered collaterals, as dismantling rural institutions: communities, areas recognized by the constitution, which, without their land without their acquired rights, lose power and the dismantling of their customs and traditions preserved through solidarity centuries. The figures speak for themselves does not work, so if one side is a buoyant growth, on the other hand, poverty affects one in two Peruvians, 7 of 10 in rural areas.

mining case gives the most eloquent evidence: Cajamarca remains -As the start of operations at Yanacocha, the fifth poorest department in the country. In Huancavelica there are several mining claims and the Santa Barbara mine does anyone believe that it will move only with the situation?. The foundation of our competitiveness, assumed by several-factors is to have low-wage production. Full employment of certain coastal areas from agricultural export boom should be contrasted with the purchasing power, labor rights and access to health of the people involved.

is worth mentioning that if the rule was agreed with stakeholders and will count with the necessary dissemination, would be legitimate, but the processes are to this flow from the creek or illegal way possible. The same source of a rule that can change the configuration of the census of agriculture (more than half of agricultural and forest lands are owned by communities) leaves a lot to say. Not bad that the government promotes standards, it is wrong that they do not leave those who are responsible for it, especially when its implications are political and transcend more than one million Peruvians.

And most importantly, what is the knowledge of the communities on which to promote this project?, Obviously those who promote the rule are not communal and what they see are the spaces and resources, no social networks or pockets are factors that can be measured. The State, in sort of banana republic, is seeking to concentrate resources in major large investors, with which their bargaining power is low. Do not forget that the state presence in rural areas and their development policies have shown little effect, it sounds like getting rid of weight and seek a profit economic rather than political.

These rules have been most praised a few years ago when models were begun to be implemented, today the results of the same model here and elsewhere, show that they are very short-term departures for rural areas. And most alarming is that no action the development of democratic institutions and the state's presence in these areas. Thus, if the first round of privatizations sold the family jewels, now the state wanting to follow the same pattern, without consulting community members try to finish due to their properties, and inaction of the state itself, they can not take advantage. Sell \u200b\u200bjewelry that do not belong but whose social cost is not charged Alan, but those who follow him, and rural poverty map will not be altered.

[1] Health and Education, along with Justice are the specifications with the highest number of strikes.