Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Leak In Front Of Jeep

DIF, is and ought

DIF, is and ought

Coordination of effort is perhaps one of the subjects most ancient and pending approval by the three tiers of government. I was still at the stage of hegemonic party rule, let alone now in the fullness of multi-party system. The need for coordination practically covers the whole range of sectoral and institutional policies.

However, in the case of social programs and in particular those carried out by the System for Integral Family Development (DIF) lack or deficiency in the coordination of efforts between levels of government and even within oneself government undoubtedly has multiple implications. Other

include the following: Doubling or tripling of programs or actions, confusion among beneficiaries by different approaches or methodologies, difficulties in monitoring and evaluation of impacts on the population, etc.. And the issue becomes even more problematic when it comes to overcoming the handouts, there is no way to agree on what is understood as such it makes sense since it is impossible to agree descontextuando the problem or the deputy said Perote , let us not ... the biggest factory is located in the poor economic policy.

understand how it understands the truth is that the full implications of this issue of "coordinating" the is undoubtedly the most serious is the fact that negatively affected their impacts many social programs undertaken by the federal government, states and municipalities.

why was not coincidental that Mrs. Duarte Karime Macias XXXIX to attend the National Meeting of Directors General DIF will have addressed this issue and declared that "The coordination between the three branches of government is essential to achieve better results social assistance "

The President of DIF Veracruz State invited the wife of President Felipe Calderon Hinojosa to visit the institution and learn about the coordinated work that the Government Federation of State and conducted by the development of Veracruz. It is common in national meetings say much more than what is done and there being no way to verify this by reporting it is best to visit and see firsthand the results.

On another occasion, Ms. Karina Macias has reiterated its commitment to promote social care programs, in a coordinated manner with the national DIF, through close communication and not party interests.
The purpose is noble: to work in coordination and without partisanship. Moreover corresponds exactly to the demands of a society ever more awake and criticism. To make matters worse, work well is the legal mandate. How
where you can go in trying the president of DIF Veracruz when inertia is prevalent in reverse? What the lack of coordination is not the face of exercise administrative patronage of public resources? How many presidents of the municipal DIF's will be able to escape the pressure of parties and interest groups outside the purposes of the institution? What are the social programs of the three branches of government the most exposed to political pressures and political pre-election time as they approach? Whether to methodology and training for electoral shielding the UN has sent us! Hopefully
and programs and actions to the most vulnerable population that could leave the historical inertia. Who in this work and work and managed to hold serve without partisanship, ethics will surely gain in strength, which has lost the political activity among the poor, build and support customer ascent to political power as an end, not as an instrument of social transformation. Comments: Email:
To all my readers I send an apology for the prolonged absence due to my health. Thanks to all who did me the favor of sending emails with your ideas and voices of encouragement. from this date resume AWAKENING ON TIME.


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